Research Publications

Rate Regulation in Personal Auto Insurance: Comparison of State Systems

This study examines state regulatory environments for personal auto insurance. Key measures of rate regulation are examined countrywide over time, across different regulatory systems, and across states. The report also looks at how the health of personal auto insurance systems varies by regulatory environment in terms of underwriting profitability, competitiveness, and residual markets.
Report Summary:

Personal Insurance Affordability in Louisiana

This Research Brief examines Louisiana personal insurance affordability challenges and includes comparisons of various cost drivers of personal auto and homeowners insurance. It is available as a free download, located under Free Resources on the IRC home page.

Auto Insurance Affordability in Florida

This Research Brief examining personal auto affordability in Florida includes comparisons of various cost drivers of auto insurance costs. It is available as a free download, located under Free Resources on the IRC home page

State Variations in Auto Insurance Affordability

This research expands on previous IRC research on personal auto insurance affordability. IRC measures affordability with the ratio of auto insurance expenditures to median household income. The report shows countrywide trends and depicts the relationship between individual cost drivers and statewide affordability. Individual state pages focus on specific cost drivers affecting each state.
Report Summary:

Auto Insurance Affordability: Cost Drivers in Florida

The report combines information from IRC closed-claim research and other sources and is part of IRC’s ongoing research into the factors driving the affordability of auto insurance.

Auto Insurance Affordability: Cost Drivers in Louisiana

The report combines information from IRC closed-claim research and other sources and is part of IRC’s ongoing research into the factors driving the affordability of auto insurance.

Autonomous Vehicles and Transportation Network Companies: Public Attitudes and Opinions

This survey report explores the opinions about autonomous vehicles and transportation network companies.

Third-Party Bad Faith in Florida's Automobile Insurance System, 2018 Update

A report updating findings on the impact of Florida’s third-party bad-faith legal environment on BI liability auto insurance claim trends.

Digitizing the Auto Insurance Customer Relationship

This survey report explores the degree to which auto insurance customers interact with their insurer using digital methods and their preferences for using digital methods in the future.