Research Publications

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists: 2017-2023

This report provides countrywide and state estimates for the prevalence of uninsured and underinsured driving, as well as an examination of several factors that are associated with variations in uninsured motorists (UM) and underinsured motorists (UIM) rates across states, including economic factors, insurance costs, and state insurance laws and regulations.
Report Summary:

Catastrophic Weather Events and Mitigation: Survey of Homeowners

This report explores public opinions and homeowners' experiences with severe weather, including analysis of U.S. regional perceptions of future risks, preparedness levels, attitudes toward mitigation strategies, post-storm solicitations by contractors and service providers, and homeowners' opinions on the roles of insurance and government in managing severe weather-related risks.
Report Summary:

Rate Regulation in Personal Auto Insurance: Comparison of State Systems

This study examines state regulatory environments for personal auto insurance. Key measures of rate regulation are examined countrywide over time, across different regulatory systems, and across states. The report also looks at how the health of personal auto insurance systems varies by regulatory environment in terms of underwriting profitability, competitiveness, and residual markets.
Report Summary:

Public Opinions on Attorney Involvement in Insurance Claims

This report examines public opinions on issues of attorney involvement in insurance claims. Through an online survey with more than 2,000 respondents, the IRC gauged perceptions of attorney advertising and its impact on the cost of insurance, consumer awareness and understanding of litigation financing practices, and decisions about consulting attorneys in reference to auto insurance claims.
Report Summary:

Auto Insurance Affordability in Louisiana

Louisiana remains the least affordable states for auto insurance, with premium expenditures as a share of income well above its Southern neighbors and the rest of the U.S. See the IRC homepage for a FREE DOWNLOAD of this report.
Report Summary:

Personal Auto Insurance Affordability in Georgia

See the IRC homepage for a FREE DOWNLOAD of this report. Georgia’s auto insurance affordability ranking has been deteriorating for several years, with rising claim costs and concerns about increased litigation.
Report Summary:

Personal Auto Insurance Affordability in Michigan

See the IRC homepage for a FREE DOWNLOAD of this report. Michigan’s auto insurance affordability ranking has improved in the wake of significant no-fault reforms, but the state continues to be one of the least affordable in the country.
Report Summary:

Homeowners Insurance Affordability: Trends and State Variations

This expanded research paper on Homeowners trends and state variations, examines homeowner's affordability countrywide and includes comparisons of various cost drivers of homeowners insurance costs. Both countrywide and state-level results are presented, including individual state profiles and countrywide rankings.
Report Summary:

Underinsured Motorists, 2017-2022

In this report, the IRC expands the line of uninsured motorists research and provides estimates for the rate of underinsured motorists (UIM), countrywide and in every state. Underinsured motorists are drivers who have purchased auto liability insurance but cause an accident that results in injury costs and/or property damage that exceed their liability policy limits.
Report Summary: