Research Publications

Homeowners Insurance Affordability: Trends and State Variations

This expanded research paper on Homeowners trends and state variations, examines homeowner's affordability countrywide and includes comparisons of various cost drivers of homeowners insurance costs. Both countrywide and state-level results are presented, including individual state profiles and countrywide rankings.
Report Summary:

Underinsured Motorists, 2017-2022

In this report, the IRC expands the line of uninsured motorists research and provides estimates for the rate of underinsured motorists (UIM), countrywide and in every state. Underinsured motorists are drivers who have purchased auto liability insurance but cause an accident that results in injury costs and/or property damage that exceed their liability policy limits.
Report Summary:

Personal Insurance Affordability in Louisiana

This Research Brief examines Louisiana personal insurance affordability challenges and includes comparisons of various cost drivers of personal auto and homeowners insurance. It is available as a free download, located under Free Resources on the IRC home page.

Homeowners Insurance Affordability: Countrywide Trends and State Comparisons

This Research Brief examining homeowner's affordability includes comparisons of various cost drivers of homeowners insurance costs. It is available as a free download, located under Free Resources on the IRC home page.

Uninsured Motorists, 2017-2022

Uninsured motorists (UM) are drivers who operate motor vehicles without having liability insurance coverage to compensate others for injuries or physical damage resulting from auto accidents in which they were at fault, despite near-universal legal requirements. This study, which updates previous Insurance Research Council (IRC) research, estimates the number of uninsured drivers on the nation’s roads, based on relative frequencies of auto insurance claims.
Report Summary:

Public Perceptions Regarding the Fairness of Insurance Rating Factors

This report examines differences in public opinions of fairness of the various rating factors used to price Homeowners and Personal Auto insurance. It also looks at consumer perceptions of personal insurance accessibility.
Report Summary:

Trends in Personal Auto Insurance Claims: 2002–2022

This update to the IRC’s longstanding Trends in Auto Claims series examines two decades of frequency, severity, and average loss costs for three vehicle damage coverages and two auto injury coverages. It also documents the claims impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both countrywide and state-level results are presented.
Report Summary:

Trends in Homeowners Insurance Claims: 2001–2021

This report examines homeowners insurance claim frequency, severity, and loss cost trends over two decades. The report reviews countrywide trends for all claim types and policy forms combined; then by catastrophe- and non-catastrophe- related claims; and finally, by policy form. Homeowners insurance costs vary widely by state, which is demonstrated with state-by-state comparisons and individual state profiles.
Report Summary:

Auto Insurance Affordability in Florida

This Research Brief examining personal auto affordability in Florida includes comparisons of various cost drivers of auto insurance costs. It is available as a free download, located under Free Resources on the IRC home page

Auto Insurance Telematics: Consumer Attitudes and Opinions, 2022 Edition

This report expands on previous IRC research on consumer attitudes and opinions with respect to personal auto insurance telematics and usage-based insurance (UBI). The report finds that more U.S. drivers are open to opting into UBI programs to save on their auto insurance premiums. Yet, more widespread acceptance of telematics programs and UBI remains limited for various reasons, including privacy concerns. Findings also confirm that Telematics programs provide the opportunity for safe drivers to lower their insurance costs and can improve overall road safety.
Report Summary: