Research Publications

Public Attitude Monitor 2005 - Issue 2

This second issue of the Insurance Research Council’s Public Attitude Monitor 2005 (PAM) examines the public's understanding of the relationship between a deductible and premium. Findings show that more than four in ten Americans who have a homeowners policy do not understand one of the fundamental principles of insurance, specifically that when a deductible increases the amount of the premium decreases. The report also indicates that most Americans find it easy to obtain homeowners insurance that meets their needs and is affordable. Filing a claim within the past five years has a small to negligible effect on the percentage of homeowners who find it easy to obtain insurance.

Public Attitude Monitor 2005 - Issue 1

This first issue of the Insurance Research Council’s Public Attitude Monitor 2005 (PAM) examines public perceptions of the profitability of homeowners insurance. Findings show that the public substantially overestimates insurers’ profits and underestimates the cost of paying claims. The public’s estimates are remarkably consistent across subgroups and geographic areas and have not changed since last assessed in 1998.

Public Attitude Monitor 2004 - Issue 1

This first issue of the Insurance Research Council’s Public Attitude Monitor 2004 (PAM) examines public opinion on issues concerning civil justice reform and, more specifically, public attitudes toward personal injury lawsuits and class action lawsuits.

Public Attitude Monitor 2003 - Issue 1

The first issue of the Insurance Research Council's Public Attitude Monitor 2003 (PAM) examines homeowners' beliefs and practices regarding disaster preparedness, home safety, and homeowners insurance.

Public Attitude Monitor 2002 - Issue 4

The fourth issue of the Insurance Research Council's Public Attitude Monitor 2002 (PAM) examines public opinion on several issues related to auto insurance: insurance rates for the youngest and oldest drivers, the use of automatic data recorders in private passenger vehicles, and perceptions of the accuracy of state motor vehicle records (MVRs) of traffic convictions.

Public Attitude Monitor 2002 - Issue 3

The third issue of the Insurance Research Council's Public Attitude Monitor 2002 (PAM) examines consumers' satisfaction with their auto or homeowners insurance, the public's perceptions of the responsiveness of the insurance industry to the September 11th terrorist attacks, their understanding and awareness of insurance regulation, and their opinions on how insurers should handle claims for losses that a policy was not priced to cover.

Public Attitued Monitor 2002 - Issue 2

The second issue of the Insurance Research Council's Public Attitude Monitor 2002 (PAM) examines the public's opinion on issues related to vehicle occupant safety: the importance of vehicle safety in the vehicle purchase decision, side air bags, head restraints, and primary versus secondary seat belt enforcement.

2002 - Issue 1

The first issue of the Insurance Research Council's Public Attitude Monitor 2002 (PAM) examines the public's opinion about child passenger safety and reported frequency of home ownership and homeowners insurance.

Public Attitude Monitor- 2001 - Issue 2

The second issue of the Insurance Research Council's Public Attitude Monitor 2001 (PAM) examines consumers' attitudes toward shopping for auto insurance, use of the Internet in shopping for and researching auto insurance, and uninsured vehicles.

Public Attitude Monitor 2001 - Issue 3,

The third issue of the Insurance Research Council's Public Attitude Monitor 2001 (PAM) examines public opinions of using competitive parts for auto repair and using insurer-designated auto repair shops.